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Sámi Made sertifiserte

Gobmi AS

GOBMI - URBAN WEAR FROM SÁPMI Gobmi [ghost] presents the ancient Sami culture through young design and fresh esthetics. Created by two sisters from Áltá, located in both Sápmi and Oslo, Gobmi is found in between the rural and the […] urban. With a modern approach they revive the ancient story of a unique people at the edge of the world. The sisters Live and Hanna from Áltá discovered their Sami heritage when a family member got old and sick and suddenly spoke Sami. Growing up in the middle of Sápmi close to Sami culture, it all suddenly made sense. ‍This day was the beginning of a journey where the sisters take back their culture and identity that almost got lost in generations before them. Gobmi is part of this journey. Their mission is to create a collective universe where diversity, sustainability and positivity are the central values. For years, the sisters Live and Hanna had the idea of a clothing brand that embraced their Sami cultural heritage in a new and urban way. They launched Gobmi in 2021 and garnered national recognition, grants and a nomination for a national honorary reward, even before their first collection dropped. The first collection “Bearaš” [family] dropped in the fall of 2022. To be continued… ____________________ Bivttasmearka ofelastá ja ovdánbuktá dološ Sámi kultuvra nuorra designa ja čáffes estetihka bokte. Vuođđuduvvon guokte oappážiiguin Álttás eret, sihke Sámis ja Oslos, Gobmi gávdno doloža ja urbána gaskkas. Ođđamállet vuogis soai ealiheaba dološ muitalusa áidnalunddot álbmoga birra máilmmi ravddas. Oappáš guovttos Live ja Hanna Álttás eret fuomášeigga iežaset Sámi ruohttasiid go fuolki boarásmuvai, buohccái ja fáhkka sámástišgođii. Go leigga bajásšaddan gasku Sámis ja Sámi kultuvrra bokte, áššit fáhkka orro áddehahtti. Dát beaivi lei álgga. Oappáš guovttos álggaheigga mátkki váldit fas ruovttoluotta kultuvrra ja identitehta mii masá lahppui buolvvain sudno ovdal. Gobmi lea oassi dán mátkkis. Sudno ulbmil lea ráhkadit máilmmi gos valljivuohta, guoddevašvuohta ja miehtemielatvuohta leat guovdilis árvvut. Máŋga jagi lei oappáš guoktás Lives ja Hannas jurdda ráhkadit bivttasmearkka mii fátmmastii sudno sámi duogáža ođđa ja urbána vuogi mielde. Soai almmuheigga Gobmi 2021:s ja oaččuiga nationála fuomášumi, stipeanddaid ja nationála gudnenominašuvnna, ovdal go sudno vuosttaš kollekšuvnna lei oba almmuhuvvon ge. Vuosttaš kollekšuvdna “Bearaš” ilmmai 2022 čavčča. Ja dá lea dušše álgu...

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Gobmi AS
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